okayy, so.
takderhh pape yang best nak blogg ahh.
skarangg lagi chat ngan kaliesa; dear (:
poor dee takderhh mood. i guess die perlu alone time ahh.
anw, after cca kuhh dah abis,
kuhh text afiqah; spongebob and kaliesa dear (:
me and afiqah had our usual lame arguements as usual.
always bikin kuhh ketawa ahh die.
then afiqah gy bilangg afiqah; spongebob rusydina; patrick shafeeqa; squidward
like, asal akuhh yang squidward seyhh? hahhaha !
okayy, so.
did i blogg ydayy? tak kann?
wednesday;rabu (:
uhh, mrs tay tak dtg ahh. so,
1st periodd gy library.
abihh, kaki rusydina kena bandage psl si chen si ke siape ntahh.
the soccer thingg ahh on tuesday.
so, me, pearlyn and rusydina went to the library together.
kitorangg gy section cookbooks.
HAHAHHA ! chef katekan.
pearlyn suggested 1 hari kitorangg kluar ahh. BEST ! (:
lepas tuhh art. nth happened lahh.
just that i keep mistakingg mp3 syazleena for eraser kuhh.
duedue black perhh.
lagi2 same size seyhh. (:
then, ade cca. bluekzz. hahhaha !
duringg malay, rusydina buat nihh.

uhmm, hari ni ade ape?
1st periodd ade literature.
okay lahh. biase je.
chemistry. biaser jgak. sungguh kecoh.
psl mrs tay tak datang, period kena tak over my ms kaur.
kena blajar social studies. ishh.
i hate it seyhh. bluekzz. (:
then, recess.
then, ade maths ahh. MATHS TEST .
kuhh takut fail seyhh. so far kann, in sec 3.
i tak pernahh pass maths test.. teruk gyle kann? hahha.
i hope kuhh pass ahh this time.
abihh, MALAY ! hahhaha.
fun as usual.
farhan buat moonwalk lagi. kuhh roughly tao mcm aner die buat.
abihh, indah nak cube buat seyhh. abihh, syazleena ckp,
"ahh! hancur indah! hancur!" tros, indah tak jadi buat.
:DD ape saje seyhh.
sumer jokes andd part klakar kuhh lupe ahh, mase malay class.
biler kuhh ingat kuhh edit ahh.
abihh, ade cca. bluekzz.
besok holiday ! yay!
hahahha (:
my camp next week seyhh. haishh.
padd ubin. 5 hari siakk.
rindu gyle seyhh ngann sayangg kuhh nanti ):
smalam ibu nye bday ! happy birthday ibu! (:
ily many many!
and! smalam bday uncle kuhh jgak ! happy birthday encik keng! (:
ily many many!
and! smalam bday pey ling jgak ! happy birthday pey ling! (:
ily many many!
hari ni bday fauzie laily ! hahhaha (:
takderhh pape yang best nak blogg ahh.
skarangg lagi chat ngan kaliesa; dear (:
poor dee takderhh mood. i guess die perlu alone time ahh.
anw, after cca kuhh dah abis,
kuhh text afiqah; spongebob and kaliesa dear (:
me and afiqah had our usual lame arguements as usual.
always bikin kuhh ketawa ahh die.
then afiqah gy bilangg afiqah; spongebob rusydina; patrick shafeeqa; squidward
like, asal akuhh yang squidward seyhh? hahhaha !
okayy, so.
did i blogg ydayy? tak kann?
wednesday;rabu (:
uhh, mrs tay tak dtg ahh. so,
1st periodd gy library.
abihh, kaki rusydina kena bandage psl si chen si ke siape ntahh.
the soccer thingg ahh on tuesday.
so, me, pearlyn and rusydina went to the library together.
kitorangg gy section cookbooks.
HAHAHHA ! chef katekan.
pearlyn suggested 1 hari kitorangg kluar ahh. BEST ! (:
lepas tuhh art. nth happened lahh.
just that i keep mistakingg mp3 syazleena for eraser kuhh.
duedue black perhh.
lagi2 same size seyhh. (:
then, ade cca. bluekzz. hahhaha !
duringg malay, rusydina buat nihh.

uhmm, hari ni ade ape?
1st periodd ade literature.
okay lahh. biase je.
chemistry. biaser jgak. sungguh kecoh.
psl mrs tay tak datang, period kena tak over my ms kaur.
kena blajar social studies. ishh.
i hate it seyhh. bluekzz. (:
then, recess.
then, ade maths ahh. MATHS TEST .
kuhh takut fail seyhh. so far kann, in sec 3.
i tak pernahh pass maths test.. teruk gyle kann? hahha.
i hope kuhh pass ahh this time.
abihh, MALAY ! hahhaha.
fun as usual.
farhan buat moonwalk lagi. kuhh roughly tao mcm aner die buat.
abihh, indah nak cube buat seyhh. abihh, syazleena ckp,
"ahh! hancur indah! hancur!" tros, indah tak jadi buat.
:DD ape saje seyhh.
sumer jokes andd part klakar kuhh lupe ahh, mase malay class.
biler kuhh ingat kuhh edit ahh.
abihh, ade cca. bluekzz.
besok holiday ! yay!
hahahha (:
my camp next week seyhh. haishh.
padd ubin. 5 hari siakk.
rindu gyle seyhh ngann sayangg kuhh nanti ):
smalam ibu nye bday ! happy birthday ibu! (:
ily many many!
and! smalam bday uncle kuhh jgak ! happy birthday encik keng! (:
ily many many!
and! smalam bday pey ling jgak ! happy birthday pey ling! (:
ily many many!
hari ni bday fauzie laily ! hahhaha (:
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