Tuesday, January 25, 2011

OMG this stupid blog is like so d.e.a.d.
WTV, i'm more active on Tumblr, so don't expect me to update regularly. (except timed posts)
Since i'm here, I checked out my tagboard and it's full of shit. LOL. What happened to my hate tagger?

Anyway, I doubt I have anymore readers. I mean, who would read this crap? :O
Well, if you're a loyal reader(which I think you're not), i'm gonna do some "life updates". because basically i'm bored, and I decided to pay Blogger a visit, like the good girl I am.

  • I retained my first year of junior college! awesome.
  • my laptop crashed, so i'm waiting for Dad to send my new MacBook Air over to me. (I hope he didnt get me the 11 inch one)
  • I changed my parting! (well, yes. now my fringe is parted to the left because I started balding terribly on my right)
  • Tumblr>Twitter>Facebook
  • I'm married to the most awesome guy ever. Lee Taemin. And we're gonna have pretty little TaeBabies. Stop me if you can.

Yay, okay i'm done. Satisfied? Good.