Monday, October 13, 2008

Apparently, Nisha said my blog is lagging. Yer, i know. Hahaha. I've nothing to blog about most of the time, nyeha. Nisha knows about DARLING! OMG! Haha, she says it's friggin obvious, haha.
Maybe I should suggest changing the name, haha. Oh! I got one, but i scared nanti ade orang tersinggung. Haha, dalah bikin lagu pasal die, nyeha. Kaliesa knows what I know what you know what we know(?). LOL, hhahahah ^^

Two more friggin days and the friggin exams are friggin over! Like, YAY! Hahahaha. Gosh, i'm tired of not studying. LOL, hahahahaha.
OH! I stumbled upon 6A's blog, and it's like deadddddd. Seriously! Can somebody like, update it or something? Haha. What's the point of having a blog when the last time you updated it was like in 2007? hahahaha. Even the tagboard is deaddddddddd, haha.
And, and apparently, people dont to people who are in the secret society, sheesh. Hahahaha.

I gave up halfway through the POA exam, haha. It was like friggin hard lah!
Then I started to sing Helena, hahaha. Reminds me of Khoiri, hahaha. Nvm, hahaha.
Dad came home all of a sudden, so I had to switch off the internet for awhile. Takot katekan, lol, hahaha.

So, Nisha is like telling some random stuff that I find uberrrrr funneh+disgusting from some sources of entertainment. hahaahhaha.
And, like finally, Muffin Man came online! Dah berape eternity seh, hahahaha. Nenenenenek die nak gy jumpe members lah seh! HAHAHAHA!
Then, I was like talking to her liddish.

OMG? I havent even started on art yet, which means im a dead duck/pig/moose/alligator.
I wanted to go to Tiong Bahru just now to go Body shop and find tracing paper, but I got carried away with technology. Oh, fascinating! LOL, hahaha.

fine, i forgot what I wanne say next. OH! I REMEMBER! LMAO, HAHA.

love, shafeeqa♥



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