4th dec 2008
went to vivo with brother and uncle for shopping, haha.
eh, stupid converse shop doesn't have my size, haha. sheesh.
so, yeah. ended up buying shoes and brother still haven't found his mp3 player.
oh, according to the bloody FedEx, my package is gonne arrive on the 4th at noon.
eh, guess what. It's 5 dec, and it's still not friggin here yet, wth.
sheesh, if cannot make it, then say lah! Sheesh, make me anticipate only -.-
so, went home and did holiday assignments, haha. My birthday, and I still do holiday assignments yaw! haha ^^
Webcammed with Rusydina for awhile, and then talked on the phone with her until about midnight because mum was pestering me to hang up -.-
5th dec 2008
Went off to meet up with Afiqah and Farah outside school at around 12:30? Yeah, headed to MRT to meet up with Rusydina.
Then, trained to Tiong Bahru to wait for Nisha. YAY! All the A's were there, hahaha. (how i miss them)
Sat at KFC, then walked around with Rusydina and Afiqah because Nisha and Farah was going somewhere. (eh, i didn't know where they were going at that time kay. I know im slow)
Yeah, then met up with them again and went to NTUC to teman Nisha buy groceries.
Ahh, Nisha is scared of dead prawns, hahahaha. Took escalator to MRT, and Afiqah was like looking at me like, *grins* and I was like, "whaaaaaat?! *grins*
Then, she stood behind me and she like leaned against my back. I tell you, I nearly fell down the escalator okay?! Hahahaha.(anws, ahhh. you're wearing red and green. haha)
Yeah, then stood outside the MRT entrance.
Then, Nisha told me to close my eyes, and she held this very very very very cute green carebear in front of me. OMG, that's so cute! Hahaha, ty Nisha loveeeee♥
And, Rusydina gave me this purple box, hahaha. And she was like telling me to open it now, haha.
So, those two people(Afiqah and Nisha) was like stressing me because I didn't know who to follow(them or rusydina).
In the end, followed Rusydina because she's the only one, hahaha. Awwh, so sad. Hahaha.
Ah, listing time!
Thank you loads to:
Hanisha, Rusydina, Afiqah, Farah, Nurul, Linah, Diana, Rini, Sufri, Faizah, Mamahani, Syafiqah, Kaliesa, Nanaa, Zul, Cheryl, Farhan, Pearlyn, Putri, Zaff, Diyanah, Munyee, Edwin, Andi, Ahmir, Lyana, Murni, Sheakyn, Feeza, Rafi, Dian, Lay Peng, Amiera, Ida, Iffah, Syarifah, Lutfi, Hamizah, Jermaine, Ferra, Meerah, Nurinsyirah and others who I missed out!
Sorry if your name is not here! hahaha, I tried my best to remember, hee♥
love, shafeeqa♥
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