Wednesday, April 30, 2008
exams = stress
well, the exams are nearing, like, friday .
tomorrow is LABOUR DAY (:
which means more time to study (:
hahah . It's good news I guess .
I hope, HOPE, i can pass my POA and math .
I seriously suckkkkkk at these two subjects .
Well, POA is okay uhhs . Just math that i'm weak in .
So, in average, i'll approximately fail TWO subjects .
That is if i study for PHYSICS .
So, i suck at THREE subject uhhs .
Hha, i think i can pass POA .
It's kind of easy if you know which are assets, liabilities and owner's equity .
I have to study t-account, ledger and idk what shittttttt .
hahahah .
tomorrow is LABOUR DAY (:
which means more time to study (:
hahah . It's good news I guess .
I hope, HOPE, i can pass my POA and math .
I seriously suckkkkkk at these two subjects .
Well, POA is okay uhhs . Just math that i'm weak in .
So, in average, i'll approximately fail TWO subjects .
That is if i study for PHYSICS .
So, i suck at THREE subject uhhs .
Hha, i think i can pass POA .
It's kind of easy if you know which are assets, liabilities and owner's equity .
I have to study t-account, ledger and idk what shittttttt .
hahahah .
I'm joining a cheer competition .
Me and afiqah decided to join together .
As usual, smsed in class like no one's buisness .
School was fun i guess .
Nenek got into hospital yday .
I haven't seen her since like, monday (?)
yeahh, she's going for operation to remove her gall bladder (?)
hahahha, fine .
Well, i'm gonna revise . I HOPE .
Me and afiqah decided to join together .
As usual, smsed in class like no one's buisness .
School was fun i guess .
Nenek got into hospital yday .
I haven't seen her since like, monday (?)
yeahh, she's going for operation to remove her gall bladder (?)
hahahha, fine .
Well, i'm gonna revise . I HOPE .
love, shafeeqa♥
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
When You Look Me In The Eyes
If the heart is always searching,
Can you ever find a home?
I've been looking for that someone,
I'll never make it on my own.
Dreams can't take the place of loving you,
There's gotta be a million reasons why it's true
When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.
How long will I be waiting,
To be with you again
Gonna tell you that I love you,
In the best way that I can.
I can't take a day without you here,
You're the light that makes my darkness disappear.
When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.
More and more, I start to realize,
I can reach my tomorrow, I can hold my head high,
And it's all because you're by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When I hold you in my arms
I know that it's forever
I just gotta let you know
I never wanna let you go
Cause when you look me in the eyes.
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.
i'm in love with the song AND the lyrics <3
Friday, April 25, 2008
JoBros <3
okay, i got time so i'll blog awhile.
I recently fell in L.O.V.E with the Jonas Brothers .
hahahah, they're HOT . Especially Joe Jonas . (:
Yeahh, i like them but i didn't realise i LOVE them until yesterday when i watched them on youtube . (:
so, saturday 190408 was funnnnn .
hahahah, i did blog about that right ? uhh, nvm .
i will post pictures soon . Phone spoilt . Buying new phone this weekend .
YAY ME ! *claps* hahahah . pe je .
today, afiqah asked for aliff's picture . (?)
i still DO NOT know why . At all . hahaha .
Seriously, for what seyh ?
Not that she likes aliff or anything .
Hahahah .
Poor Rusydina was sick today .
Awwwwh . hahaha (:
Then, had ordering of classphoto which i didn't even get to see .
wth ? ape seyhh .
So, the other half of the class had to wait until next monday to order the photo because the rest of the class took so long to see the photos .
Damn, i'm scared i'm going to fail my exams seyhh .
POA is an exception uhhs .
But still, i dont want to fail .
I have to work harder, but i still don't study hard like i used to .
Sighh .
I'm scared my laptop will get taken away if i fail .
Which easily means no more msn, friendster, blogging, AAO etc etc etc .
so sedih gituhh . ):
So, that got me to study a little harder .
Yeahh, i'm concentrating more on Maths, POA and Physics as those are my weakest subjects i guess . (?)
Hahahaha .
So, i just wanna pass my exams and get it done and over with .
Totally stressful . Aiyohh . (:
Monday, April 21, 2008
exams next week . won't be blogging for awhile . keep tagging ! i'll be checking the tagboard but i won't be blogging ahh . hahahha .
byebye !
byebye !
Friday, April 18, 2008
Well, it has been a usual day in school . Nth much happened . I re-do my compo last minute . wth ? haha . I managed to finish it uhhs . I wrote about the topic the new bus driver . hahaha . mrepeks seyh . Okay, so . During CEP, watched drumline . I sat down with rusydina . NICK CANNON IS HOT ! hahaha . I can watch drumline over and over again seyhh . I watched it like, three times already . So pro siakk they play . If only my skolah nyer band mcm gituhh . Hahaha . I tell you, boleh dpt Gold with Honours seyhh for SYF . Nyahaha . Then, had band practice until 3:30pm . Went down to the basketball court to watch the netball match and support afiqah . Hahaha . Watched with rusydina and nisha . Good times (: Hahaha . Wen Jie's bday today . So, celebrated . I went back and fourth from the basketball court and the foyer seyhh . Hahaha . I look mcm orang tak tentu arah gituhh . nyahahaha . So, went home with wahidah, clement, wen jie and bro . Walked back home with bro . Saw rusydina afiqah and someone else (: then, afiqah shouted to me something . But i couldn't hear . Hahaha .
Then, went home and here i am ! blogging . hahaha .
Thursday, April 17, 2008
my phone !
My phone ! Rosak seyhh . hahaha . I was swimming yday then my phone terkena air seyhh . pfft . Then now, my phone is not working . And i was in the middle of texting afiqah . sighh . Gonna go repair tmr . So, my phone won't make it in time for Saturday . So, i have to borrow kaliesa's phone . cann cann ? hahaha . okayy, i'll stop typing in BIG letters .
uhh, nth happened today . During assembly, Mr Satwant talked about assault or whatever . Then, there was this 'story' he told us about this girl who left her book under her table and forgot to take it . Then, this other group of girls found it and wrote whatever msgs on it . Then, me and rusydina was like, smiling . Hahaha . Because that is what happened to me,rusydina,afiqah and nisha . Only, we did it for fun and not assault okay ? hahaha . 1st period was literature . It was kinda fun ahh . Then, Chemistry . I sat with Pearlyn because Yvonne didn't come uhhs . So, i got to understand most of it . In fact, ALL . hahaha , surprisingly . Then, english . I FORGOT TO BRING MY HEALTH BOOKLET . AGAIN . Like, since monday uhhs . Hahaha . I know i'm baddddddd . Nyahahaha . Then, recess . Then, maths . Then MT . Had MT test, in the workbook ? hahaha . weird .
I can always laugh looking at nisha's and afiqah's msgs in my malay textbook . Klakar seyhh . Pe je . Afiqah conteng rabak gyle uhhs . Nasib pencil, and not CRAYON . That was what she said she used to conteng . pfft . Pe je . hahaha .
Many Many hmwk !
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
cheese !
Had our class photo taking today . It was kind of fun ahh . As usual, i'm sitting . wth ? hahaha . Saw afiqah . Then she go and bump into me and said "why you bump into me? not happy is it?". Like, uhh . Hahaha . Pe je . So, Cikgu Hafida found out that nisha,afiqah,rusydina and me have been conteng-ing on each other's malay textbook . Then, she go and keep the textbooks seyhh . Like, itu pon nak marah siakk . Pe seyhh . Read nisha's and afiqah's messages in my book . Made me laugh as usual .
Had more phototaking later for cca . I just came home . sighh . And, i'm off ! My parents are coming home soon . hahaha . (:
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Well, nothing much happened . POA teacher came back today after 1 month leave . Lamer seyhh . sheesh . I think , frankly , i'll fail poa . And so is the rest of my class . Like, seriously . sighh . Well, i watched k-nite yday while texting afiqah . It was funny, texting her . i'll always end up laughing . hahaha . I guess rusydina will know what i'm talking about . hahaha . STM seyhh afiqah .
Nothing much happened in school today . Started off with assembly . Apparentely, afiqah finds Mr Syam hot . hahaha . Byk nyer boyf die ade . hahaha . Mr Syam is competing in the 2010 beijing olympics or whatever . hahaha . coolcool . PE was nothing . The girls played basketball . Saw afiqah in the canteen . She threw rusydina's bottle onto the floor and it broke . hahaha . Bocor seyhh . Then afiqah turned it over and all the water came rushing out . It was funny . hahaha . Still can say "you still want ?" . Like, pfft . Ape saje seyhh . hahaha .I just did some shots and did not play anymore and talked with rusydina, aqilah and rini . Then, made our way to the canteen . Changed while waiting for recess to start . then, it was CEP . Went to the computer lab . Saw farhan and aaron . They were like , making fun of me lahh seyhh . sheesh . Psl, that time during art class i hit my head on the cupboard . Then aaron nampak and bilang farhan . Then aaron keep saying "your head still pain ah ?" or "be careful ! got wall !" like, wth ? hahaha . Okay, so did the oscar thing or whatever . It's thing 'predicting your job' thing you do . They said I could get a job relating to arts or whatever . Like, pfft . graphic designer . artist ( fine arts ) . playwrighter . Like. All those jobs . hahaha . nvm . then, had POA . finally . a proper POA lesson . Although some were not paying attention, i tried though, i copied notes . Hahaha . That farhan go and put his paper on my table and told me to copy for him . Uhh, wth ? hahaha . Then, it was literature . Had lit test . Then, after school, texted afiqah until around 1 hour ago . Hahaha . We talked nonsense . As usual . Well, i have to remind her to watch Police and Thief later . DANIAL ASHRIQ . hahaha .
Friday, April 11, 2008
officially squidward (:
surprisingly, i passed my social studies test . 8/13 . not bad seyh ! hahaha . well, i had to stand for the whole social studies lesson because i didn't do my homework . Well, i was accompanied by 21 other classmates . Hha .
nothing much happened . i kept going around school saying "aliff planted a tree !" . hahaha . especially during malay class . talked to syazleena and farhan about aliff planting the tree thing . Ape saje Farhan ! hahaha . spent the rest of malay period conteng-ing afiqah's book . nyahahah . with pen ! she said she's gonna have revenge uhh . hahah .
well, tmr's speech day . i have to be in school at 6:15 am . wth ? then, after speech day . i'm going to national library with linah and phyone, to do research on literature or something . mesti tiring seyh . hahahah .
so, yday during english, we had to figure out endings to our classmates compositions ahh . each person has to write at least 3 endings for 3 different ppl . mine got written by rusydina, farhan and ..... ?? hahah . i forgot . i chose rusydina's ending because it was the most sensible out of the three . farhan wrote "it was halloween and everyone forgot about it" . i swore i laughed like hell . hahaha .
so, i just got back from school . had cca . afiqah had here netball match . so sorry couldn't stay . sighh . rusydina was there too . hahah . sms-ing rusydina nw . (: the score is like, UNBELIEVABLE . i'd rather not tell . nyahahah~
going out with kaliesa next saturday for some occasion (: imy loads ! <3
will post pictures soon ! (:
nothing much happened . i kept going around school saying "aliff planted a tree !" . hahaha . especially during malay class . talked to syazleena and farhan about aliff planting the tree thing . Ape saje Farhan ! hahaha . spent the rest of malay period conteng-ing afiqah's book . nyahahah . with pen ! she said she's gonna have revenge uhh . hahah .
well, tmr's speech day . i have to be in school at 6:15 am . wth ? then, after speech day . i'm going to national library with linah and phyone, to do research on literature or something . mesti tiring seyh . hahahah .
so, yday during english, we had to figure out endings to our classmates compositions ahh . each person has to write at least 3 endings for 3 different ppl . mine got written by rusydina, farhan and ..... ?? hahah . i forgot . i chose rusydina's ending because it was the most sensible out of the three . farhan wrote "it was halloween and everyone forgot about it" . i swore i laughed like hell . hahaha .
so, i just got back from school . had cca . afiqah had here netball match . so sorry couldn't stay . sighh . rusydina was there too . hahah . sms-ing rusydina nw . (: the score is like, UNBELIEVABLE . i'd rather not tell . nyahahah~
going out with kaliesa next saturday for some occasion (: imy loads ! <3
will post pictures soon ! (:
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
nth much happened when i didn't blog .
when was the last time i blogged again ?
uhh, nvm .
lupe nampak ? lupe nampak ? hahah
i'm eating nw . Hha,
cheezels and chipster .
yeahh, basically that's my lunch .
went to school as usual .
kinda boring really .
got to know physics test results .
wouldn't wanna tell my folks my results . (:
POA was boring as usual .
then, had mother tongue .
uhh, it was alright .
the kecohnezx is still there . laughter . complaints .
usual stuff .
Hha, just being very damn brief here .
next was recess .
then, maths and art .
Art was fine .
Farhan and Aaron was eating as usual,
i was listening to my headphones . MUSIC .
drawing that damn big picture . sighh .
how long has it been again ? uhh, nvm . (:
then, english . HOME (:
well, today we had assembly .
i had to do phototaking for the BM Idol thing .
yeahh, today was the finals .
they all did pretty good .
so, i had to stand near the sec 2s .
saw nisha , wavedddd .
then, coincidentally . i saw afiqah . afiqah saw me .
we were like talking to each other from our place .
Hha, she was sitting like, 5 metres away from me .
usual stuff , laughing and of the sort .
then, realised i had to continue taking pictures . (:
so, went up in front of the whole school and stood there like some maniac and took pictures . wth . mrepek kanns ?
mcm, so embarrassing gituhh . pfft .
so, finally . dahh abis .
was making my way back to class when nisha called me .
she shouted "aliff suckxz !" .
then i was like, wth !
then, i calmly walked off .
CHEYBAH !! dah mcm adult seyh fee !
hahahah . i can now join afiqah in being an adult . kannkann ?
hahahahahah (:
then, it was maths . followed by PE .
idk why i was so hyper during PE .
aqilah was like "suke nampak ? suke nampak ?"
hahzx . did the 5 exercise thing .
recess .
CEP . did literature while watching drumline.
NICK CANNON IS HOT ! hahahahah (:
then, had social studies cum lecture .
pfft , i'm prepared to fail SS . idk if i'm gonna fail or not .
just be prepared ayye ? (:
then, POA .
went to the toilet .
surprisingly, i went to the toilet where there was rusydina and afiqah .
a.k.a patrick and spongebob (:
so, chatted and whatsoever .
went back to class with rusydina . held hands . (:
awww~so sweet gituhh . Hha .
mind you, me no lesbo . heh (:
played this game with vignesh, rini and aqilah .
Hha, fun and enjoyable . serious . (:
then, literature .
after that, idk why i had no mood .
went home with phyone, linah, glenn and zijian .
i didn't talk at all . just me and my 5300 .
so, here i am blogging with me and my cheezels and chipster .
ohh wait, dahh abis .
sayangg koranggggggg (:
when was the last time i blogged again ?
uhh, nvm .
lupe nampak ? lupe nampak ? hahah
i'm eating nw . Hha,
cheezels and chipster .
yeahh, basically that's my lunch .
went to school as usual .
kinda boring really .
got to know physics test results .
wouldn't wanna tell my folks my results . (:
POA was boring as usual .
then, had mother tongue .
uhh, it was alright .
the kecohnezx is still there . laughter . complaints .
usual stuff .
Hha, just being very damn brief here .
next was recess .
then, maths and art .
Art was fine .
Farhan and Aaron was eating as usual,
i was listening to my headphones . MUSIC .
drawing that damn big picture . sighh .
how long has it been again ? uhh, nvm . (:
then, english . HOME (:
well, today we had assembly .
i had to do phototaking for the BM Idol thing .
yeahh, today was the finals .
they all did pretty good .
so, i had to stand near the sec 2s .
saw nisha , wavedddd .
then, coincidentally . i saw afiqah . afiqah saw me .
we were like talking to each other from our place .
Hha, she was sitting like, 5 metres away from me .
usual stuff , laughing and of the sort .
then, realised i had to continue taking pictures . (:
so, went up in front of the whole school and stood there like some maniac and took pictures . wth . mrepek kanns ?
mcm, so embarrassing gituhh . pfft .
so, finally . dahh abis .
was making my way back to class when nisha called me .
she shouted "aliff suckxz !" .
then i was like, wth !
then, i calmly walked off .
CHEYBAH !! dah mcm adult seyh fee !
hahahah . i can now join afiqah in being an adult . kannkann ?
hahahahahah (:
then, it was maths . followed by PE .
idk why i was so hyper during PE .
aqilah was like "suke nampak ? suke nampak ?"
hahzx . did the 5 exercise thing .
recess .
CEP . did literature while watching drumline.
NICK CANNON IS HOT ! hahahahah (:
then, had social studies cum lecture .
pfft , i'm prepared to fail SS . idk if i'm gonna fail or not .
just be prepared ayye ? (:
then, POA .
went to the toilet .
surprisingly, i went to the toilet where there was rusydina and afiqah .
a.k.a patrick and spongebob (:
so, chatted and whatsoever .
went back to class with rusydina . held hands . (:
awww~so sweet gituhh . Hha .
mind you, me no lesbo . heh (:
played this game with vignesh, rini and aqilah .
Hha, fun and enjoyable . serious . (:
then, literature .
after that, idk why i had no mood .
went home with phyone, linah, glenn and zijian .
i didn't talk at all . just me and my 5300 .
so, here i am blogging with me and my cheezels and chipster .
ohh wait, dahh abis .
sayangg koranggggggg (:
Saturday, April 5, 2008
tell the timeeeee .

so, cousins slept over ydayy .
because one of them had a surprise bday party today .
so, they had to sleepover then .
had school today, speech day rehearsal .
spent like, idk how many hours under the scorching sun .
uhhh, went home at 11am and got ready to go to harbourfront .
went to eat lunch with family and cousins at banquet .
surprisingly, i just found out that they are disgusted by seaweed .
hah .
then, went around vivo.
went into toys'r'us to find the 'aquabeads' thing for my sister .
hahaha .
then, went back to harbourfront and i saw this pushcart selling watches .
finally, for idk how long .
i bought a new watch (:
i wanted to buy the pink watch and the white watch .
but, in the end . i bought the white one .
so, went home and got ready for the surprise party .
sofea reached my place with her mum and brother .
uhh, mind you . sofea's four . (:
so, we went to the party together, cousins and all .
when we reached, my cousin was like "i knew it!".
uhh, okayy . i don't really believe that .
btw, my cousin's ten . :D
yeahh, i believe she doesn't know how to react and doesn't wanna act stupid and shy or whatever . no offence . (:
so, party started .
i found it kinda boring really .
cuz, you know . it's a kids party .
i was just snacking all the way and keep going back and fourth from the chocolate fountain.
hahahah .
jakonn katekann . (:
so, had the cake . or should i say, cupcakes .
then, got myself an octopus balloon sculpture .
cute ahh (:
so, then .
got home . switched on the internet .
so, currently chatting with dee and kaliesa .
just now i chatted with syaa .
so, devastating news . sighh .
cried like hell .
end of story .
because one of them had a surprise bday party today .
so, they had to sleepover then .
had school today, speech day rehearsal .
spent like, idk how many hours under the scorching sun .
uhhh, went home at 11am and got ready to go to harbourfront .
went to eat lunch with family and cousins at banquet .
surprisingly, i just found out that they are disgusted by seaweed .
hah .
then, went around vivo.
went into toys'r'us to find the 'aquabeads' thing for my sister .
hahaha .
then, went back to harbourfront and i saw this pushcart selling watches .
finally, for idk how long .
i bought a new watch (:
i wanted to buy the pink watch and the white watch .
but, in the end . i bought the white one .
so, went home and got ready for the surprise party .
sofea reached my place with her mum and brother .
uhh, mind you . sofea's four . (:
so, we went to the party together, cousins and all .
when we reached, my cousin was like "i knew it!".
uhh, okayy . i don't really believe that .
btw, my cousin's ten . :D
yeahh, i believe she doesn't know how to react and doesn't wanna act stupid and shy or whatever . no offence . (:
so, party started .
i found it kinda boring really .
cuz, you know . it's a kids party .
i was just snacking all the way and keep going back and fourth from the chocolate fountain.
hahahah .
jakonn katekann . (:
so, had the cake . or should i say, cupcakes .
then, got myself an octopus balloon sculpture .
cute ahh (:
so, then .
got home . switched on the internet .
so, currently chatting with dee and kaliesa .
just now i chatted with syaa .
so, devastating news . sighh .
cried like hell .
end of story .
nooooooooo .
no .
don't leave , please .
i'm begging you .
and, yes .
you mean alot to me and all your friends .
don't ever say that you're nothing .
because you are definitely worth something .
in fact , you're priceless .
don't leave , please .
i'm begging you .
and, yes .
you mean alot to me and all your friends .
don't ever say that you're nothing .
because you are definitely worth something .
in fact , you're priceless .
Friday, April 4, 2008
feeeeedback .

TGIF ! hahahx .
like, finally . it's the end of the week .
heh ,
well, did nothing much in school today .
started off with chemistry .
me and yvonne used the time to study social studies (:
next period was social studies .
blablabla, had test .
at least i got to finish the test and did that extra paragraph .
after that was physics . test too .
gonna fail again . i can bet .
i realise , i don't like physics . at all .
too bad my school doesn't offer chem/bio .
i would have taken it . sighh .
then, it was recess .
english then PCT .
we discussed our class jersey/tee .
so budget .
$15 seyhh . un-branded .
i wanted nike (:
like last year . my class jersey was nice .
even jason and pearlyn agreed .
too bad evryone has to buy it . sighh .
pearlyn and me wants to make our own jersey, nike.
hahahah ! good idea, heh .
all i wanted was a nike jersey .
then, we had to do a budget jersey . pfft .
because some people have financial assisstance yadayada .
nike jersey is like, only $32 !
hello ?! kinda cheap okaay ?!
pfft .
during english and PCT, texted afiqah .
our usual conversations . hah .
she called me sotong . pfft .
afiqah : Haha! Ure so sotong. Squidward kate kn. Haha!
pfft .
i shall end here (:
like, finally . it's the end of the week .
heh ,
well, did nothing much in school today .
started off with chemistry .
me and yvonne used the time to study social studies (:
next period was social studies .
blablabla, had test .
at least i got to finish the test and did that extra paragraph .
after that was physics . test too .
gonna fail again . i can bet .
i realise , i don't like physics . at all .
too bad my school doesn't offer chem/bio .
i would have taken it . sighh .
then, it was recess .
english then PCT .
we discussed our class jersey/tee .
so budget .
$15 seyhh . un-branded .
i wanted nike (:
like last year . my class jersey was nice .
even jason and pearlyn agreed .
too bad evryone has to buy it . sighh .
pearlyn and me wants to make our own jersey, nike.
hahahah ! good idea, heh .
all i wanted was a nike jersey .
then, we had to do a budget jersey . pfft .
because some people have financial assisstance yadayada .
nike jersey is like, only $32 !
hello ?! kinda cheap okaay ?!
pfft .
during english and PCT, texted afiqah .
our usual conversations . hah .
she called me sotong . pfft .
afiqah : Haha! Ure so sotong. Squidward kate kn. Haha!
pfft .
i shall end here (:
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
ohoh (:
nth muchh .
april fools' dayy .
biase, all the people were going around shouting april fools'.
i got tricked by kaliesa (:
pfft, i fell for it seyhh . heh,
so, poor kaliesa was stuck outside her house because she forgot to bring her house keys (: HAHHAHA !
kinda forgot what happened (:
school as usual .
new poa teacher .
he's okay lahh . no one listened to him ; as usual .
i was seriously trying to concentrate uhh, seyh .
blablabla .
nisha kissed me (: aww ~ so sweet gituhh .
on the cheeks lahh, oii ! pfft .
hahahha (:
had usual lame arguements with afiqah .
found out that she conteng my malay textbook .
she draw on it ahh !
evrything was about aliff ahh oii .
psl, she tak sker aliff uhh .
then, she go conteng my book . hah !
then, i go and conteng her book back !
hahahha (:
i just got an sms from her, telling me that she will conteng again .
best uhh mcm ni . HAHAHHA !
pe je (: still texting her .
blablabla, had cca.
went home . makan . sleep .
kann senang ?! hahhah
thursday - today
woke up late . rush to school .
first period was humanities . literature .
i owe my teacher 4 assignments . sighh .
fun as usual .
chemistry next . sat with yvonne .
noisy as usual . heh .
then , it was english i think . yeaa .
had this comic game thingg . i dont bother to explain . :D
then, recess .
then, maths .
then was malay .
fun !
i got my revenge with afiqah .
i go and conteng her book again (:
funfunfun (:
then cca .
went to 7eleven for lunch .
when i was there , I SAW AFIQAH !
hahhahah .
then, we were shouting at each other along the way .
heh , funny uhh seyhh .
end of story ahh (:
tmr got social studies test .
nth muchh .
april fools' dayy .
biase, all the people were going around shouting april fools'.
i got tricked by kaliesa (:
pfft, i fell for it seyhh . heh,
so, poor kaliesa was stuck outside her house because she forgot to bring her house keys (: HAHHAHA !
kinda forgot what happened (:
school as usual .
new poa teacher .
he's okay lahh . no one listened to him ; as usual .
i was seriously trying to concentrate uhh, seyh .
blablabla .
nisha kissed me (: aww ~ so sweet gituhh .
on the cheeks lahh, oii ! pfft .
hahahha (:
had usual lame arguements with afiqah .
found out that she conteng my malay textbook .
she draw on it ahh !
evrything was about aliff ahh oii .
psl, she tak sker aliff uhh .
then, she go conteng my book . hah !
then, i go and conteng her book back !
hahahha (:
i just got an sms from her, telling me that she will conteng again .
best uhh mcm ni . HAHAHHA !
pe je (: still texting her .
blablabla, had cca.
went home . makan . sleep .
kann senang ?! hahhah
thursday - today
woke up late . rush to school .
first period was humanities . literature .
i owe my teacher 4 assignments . sighh .
fun as usual .
chemistry next . sat with yvonne .
noisy as usual . heh .
then , it was english i think . yeaa .
had this comic game thingg . i dont bother to explain . :D
then, recess .
then, maths .
then was malay .
fun !
i got my revenge with afiqah .
i go and conteng her book again (:
funfunfun (:
then cca .
went to 7eleven for lunch .
when i was there , I SAW AFIQAH !
hahhahah .
then, we were shouting at each other along the way .
heh , funny uhh seyhh .
end of story ahh (:
tmr got social studies test .
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
pishhposhh .
i think i won't be updatingg for a few days,
because next few days i'll be busy with CCA and stuff.
so, NO TIME !
i still have a pile of homework waitingg to be done ahh seyhh.
yeaayeaa, exams are comingg.
i just don't have that drive in me to study like i used to.
i wonder why.
and it's BAD.
what if i fail mid-year and my mum takes away my laptop?
what if i can't follow on the langkawi trip in June?
i guess the solution really is study.
tuesday-today (:
nothingg much happened.
had assembly. talked about our free day after the exams.
it's kinda like, your whole class goes wherever they want,
and they don't have to go to school for one day.
but, you must go as a class ahh.
the whole point is for class bonding i guess.
last year, i went sentosa.
i wonder where this year will be (:
maths; pe; recess;
then, was CEP.
watched abit of drumline.
nick cannon was in it.
i was the only one shouting (: hahah !
nick is hot lahh oii.
POA teacher didn't come again.
she's on long-term leave.
exams are around the corner.
i wonder what my results would be like.
because next few days i'll be busy with CCA and stuff.
so, NO TIME !
i still have a pile of homework waitingg to be done ahh seyhh.
yeaayeaa, exams are comingg.
i just don't have that drive in me to study like i used to.
i wonder why.
and it's BAD.
what if i fail mid-year and my mum takes away my laptop?
what if i can't follow on the langkawi trip in June?
i guess the solution really is study.
tuesday-today (:
nothingg much happened.
had assembly. talked about our free day after the exams.
it's kinda like, your whole class goes wherever they want,
and they don't have to go to school for one day.
but, you must go as a class ahh.
the whole point is for class bonding i guess.
last year, i went sentosa.
i wonder where this year will be (:
maths; pe; recess;
then, was CEP.
watched abit of drumline.
nick cannon was in it.
i was the only one shouting (: hahah !
nick is hot lahh oii.
POA teacher didn't come again.
she's on long-term leave.
exams are around the corner.
i wonder what my results would be like.
- i suck at math
- poa teacher doesn't turn up
- average literature student
- hates social studies
- likes malay
- good in english
- hates physics
- finds chemistry interesting
so, based on that.
i guess i'll pass but it ain't gonna be so wonderful.