Hmm, haha. Today was kind of funnnnnnnn, really. Texted early in the morning, haha.
Sat with Geok Leng during Chemistry, and during Physics, wrote Rusydina's letter.
Hahaha, penat seh tangan. Hahahahahaha. Seriously, the teacher is just wasting his saliva teaching nobody. Hahaha.
Did art by myself. Eh, quite nice siao! Hahaha, seriously. I completed like, one corner of the picture.
Mhmm, POA was boring uh. Then, I was showing Rini my letter to Rusydina, and Rini didn't tell me that Rusydina was behind me! -.- gr!
Hahahaha, sabar eh Rusydina, hahaha.
After school went to the canteen to meet Afiqah. Walked to the MRT station and......
Hahahaha, I shall not continue, LOL.
There's Maths tuition later! sheesh, it's like two more weeks to exams and i'm only starting tuition now. Woah, good strategy. Pfft, it's not like I want it anyway.
love, shafeeqa♥
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