squishy! <3
4D Magix!
It looks hairy rather than censored.
After exams,went to Tiong with Rusydina to buy some stuff. Decided to meet up with Afiqah, Farah and Hanisha and go to Sentosa (:
So, yeah. Me and Rusydina went home to change first. And, Rusydina got stuck outside her house because she didn't bring her keys! What luck maaaaaan, hahaha. So, she came to my house first, and then went to her house as her brother was home already.
Rushed to vivo to meet up with them. Took the skytrain or whatever it is called. I was looking for Dian but I couldn't find her):):): haha.
Made our way to Siloso and I sat there and watched them play as I didn't bring extra clothes.
After like 45mins there, we made our way to Imbiah to watch the 4D Magix and Cineblast thingy.
Hanisha had to go so she didn't join us):):):
Oh, the thing was funnnnnnn! Hahaha, I was like squealing like a pig lah seh! hahaha.
I saw Rusydina's friend, the lion, on the teevee at Cineblast, hahaha.
Went home via taxi with Rusydina. I became bankrupt after that.
Went to school for final exam, art! Haha, omg. Bummer seh! I couldn't finish colouring it, sheesh.
Rusydina and peeps going raya. I didn't go because I was tired and my mum didn't allow.
So, they're coming over later.
Meanwhile, I was playing Hotel 626 with Afiqah just now. I tell you, I was like freaking out lah!
And, Rusydina said that it wasn't scary. MY FOOT AH! hahahaha, lololol.
We're continuing later when there's somebody in my house so that I won't freak out more, haha.
I wanne go out tomorrow!
love, shafeeqa♥
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