Mommy says i'm getting a new bed, hee! Hahahaha.
Omg, homework's not done. How, you tell me?! I'm a dead duck.
It's official, I need a homework-do-er. Well, who doesn't? Am I right, or am I right?
See, told you I was right. Hahahaha, wth?
Seems like I fall asleep easily nowadays no matter what I watch on teevee. I fell asleep watching Ayat-ayat Cinta last night, haha. But, the movie is nice! And, I fell asleep. Oh, great.
Am I suffering from some disease? Insomnia? Is that it? Hahaha, sheesh.
Holy crap, I realised my new blogskin has errors. Like, when I scroll down, halfway my posts dissappears. Gosh, you!*points to whoever is reading this*
Yes you! Try it now, hahahaha.
Then, I have to scroll up again so that I can read the post. What is this? Some kind of joke?
10 minutes later...
Whoo, yeah! I solved the problem! Hahaha, turned out it was because of the background. I had to "un-fix" the background. So, yeah. Who cares if the background is not fixed? It's my blog anyway.

CRAP. Now my music can't play. What? Another joke?
30 seconds later...
Whoo!(again) Fixed it. Hahahaha.
Oh, come on. Text me already.
Omg, homework's not done. How, you tell me?! I'm a dead duck.
It's official, I need a homework-do-er. Well, who doesn't? Am I right, or am I right?
See, told you I was right. Hahahaha, wth?
Seems like I fall asleep easily nowadays no matter what I watch on teevee. I fell asleep watching Ayat-ayat Cinta last night, haha. But, the movie is nice! And, I fell asleep. Oh, great.
Am I suffering from some disease? Insomnia? Is that it? Hahaha, sheesh.
Holy crap, I realised my new blogskin has errors. Like, when I scroll down, halfway my posts dissappears. Gosh, you!*points to whoever is reading this*
Yes you! Try it now, hahahaha.
Then, I have to scroll up again so that I can read the post. What is this? Some kind of joke?
10 minutes later...
Whoo, yeah! I solved the problem! Hahaha, turned out it was because of the background. I had to "un-fix" the background. So, yeah. Who cares if the background is not fixed? It's my blog anyway.

CRAP. Now my music can't play. What? Another joke?
30 seconds later...
Whoo!(again) Fixed it. Hahahaha.
Oh, come on. Text me already.
Labels: insomnia-
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