Tuesday, March 10, 2009

83% - the answer for my maths question that has been left unanswered for a long time.

School's getting more and more tiring, don't you agree? I mean like, pfft, duh.
Finally! I got some pictures for my art! Hahaha, basically because we've been going to the computer lab for the past few days. Yes, i'm sticking to my topic, Glass Containers :D

NEXT WEEK IS THE MARCH HOLIDAYS! *jumps up and down*
I'm sooooo going out before my CCA camp, due to the upcoming SYF competition.
But, before anything. I have to get past my Meet-the-Parents session on Friday.
Parents + Teachers + nagging + studies = pure stress and hell.
Yes, another basic math equation, hahaha.
Ah, gosh. Pray for me.

I realise my blog is rotting due to lack of pictures. Nyehehehx, sorry.

Hmm, so. Is it me that's different? Or, is it plain you?




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