So, slept at two plus yesterday because I accompanied somebody home, hahaha. I'm not going out today I guess. Oh, how sad. I'm gonne study while people are at Escape Theme Park screaming their asses off and having tons of fun. Greatttttttt.
Went off to watch the Jonas Brother's 3D movie with the mentioned people in the previous post. Some stupid text spoiled my mood while we were at Mac and I therefore decided to go home alone.
Some scolding I got when I reached home -.-
I made somebody worried for nothing, hahaha.
After school, walked to the MRT with Farah, Farhan and Rusydina. Went to Tiong and then went back home to my Grandmama's place. Slept like the whole day until a call woke me up. I was looking forward to it, but it ended up spoiling my mood when I called back half an hour later. Watched "When A Stranger Calls" when I got back.
I'm soooooooooo not staying home alone anymore. HAHA! It's freaking creepy lah, to get random phone calls every 15 minutes and then you end up hearing breathing noises. Then, once the police tells you that the caller is from inside the house, YOU FREAKING PANIC AND THINK YOU'RE GOING TO DIE.
Omg, i'm alone at home now. HOLY COW!
So, I already made plans for next week I guess. Well, just for Wednesday, hahaha.
And, fyi. I won't be blogging that often anymore. Basically because my mom confiscated my laptop again and i'm not sure when she's gonne let me use it again. Greatttttttt.
I wonder
if I really matter.
you've found replacements
look who found replacements
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