Kay, pictures from science centre are up! Hahahaha. Look at Aqilah, with that needle thingy. LOL! Hahaha.
Stayed back today, for rehearsal for Total Defence. Then, went out to Tiong with Rusydina to get urgent stuff for tuition. Then, got a call from Afiqah and Farah, asking where we were. Headed back to Redhill to meet up with them. I played hide-and-seek for like 30 seconds. Hahaha, then. Headed to my place, 2nd floor to slack and sit down as it was still early. Hahaha, laughed alotttttt. Afiqah tried to kill me!! Hahahaha. She was like, hugging me around the neck, ever so tightly. And, she was like, pulling me closer to her. Oh! I had this newspaper article with me. And, Afiqah tried to read it from behind. As in, turned the paper around and read it. Hahahahaha, omg. It's like ducking funny I tell you. I couldn't stop laughing. Hahahaha.
Then, Afiqah blindfolded me and took me around the whole second floor. I tell you, I was ducking scared. Ducking scared I tell you! Hahaha, but but. That doesn't mean that I don't trust you, darling. Hahaha, Farah and Afiqah abandoned me blindfolded and I didn't know what to do, so I sat down. Hahaha, wth! Yeah, I realised that the route they took was kind of stupid. Farah took me around the wall for like, I don't know how many times, and I heard Afiqah's laughter in the background. Hahahaha, sheesh. Very bad ah, you people. Klakar ke per?! hahahaha.
Stayed there until almost 6 and then sent them to the MRT, bid farewell*hugs* and I was heading home again five minutes later. Hahahaha.
Tuition later, and my homework's not done. Oh, great. Haha, JB PARTNER! Post the pictures from just now on your blog. Hahaha, I wanne see. Haha.