Labels: cikguuuuuuu-
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Uh'huh, so me, Aqilah, Murni and Rini walked around the school doing nothing. Hahaha.
Labels: gross much-
Monday, July 28, 2008
Labels: evil plans-
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
I feel like a nerd-
Labels: library nerds-
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Phyone's, Shafeeqa's, Linah's (:
I chatted with aisyah! hee, ily.
Labels: whipped cream-
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Labels: competition was a bummer.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
After school, walked with afiqah, rusydina and pearlyn to the MRT station.
OH! I remember that I went to tiong with spongey and pat. hahaha!
Uh'huh, patrick went off to send spongebob home and I got off at redhill, heh.
I forgot to bring my cube to school today, hahaha. Jermaine was like, despo for it, HAHAHA!
During english, I got this compre thingy, and it was about clones. hahaha, and rusydina got excited when I told her, heh.
And, and I told Aqilah that I was gonne perform in HK Disneyland and she was all "COOOOL!" hahaha. NO BIGGY!
Maths was like, whoaaa! I accidentaly threw my pen at vignesh, and she was bleeding from her eyebrow! HAHAHA! I found it freakishly hilarious! hahaha.
After school, had this debate thingy. WHOOTS! LAST LESSON!
Oh, at the canteen, me and rusydina and the others saw warren. hahaha. And he reminded rusydina of SOMEONE, aye? hahaha, kecian ehhs? HAHAHA! pishposh!
Friday, July 18, 2008
ben 10?! hahaha!
sedih seyh, *sobs* hahaha, but. I will ring them lah, kankan? hahaha, but that's not the point. The thing is that I can't be in the hugehugehuge picture. awwh.
moving on! heehee. School's fine, though no one asked xD I have this competition thingy at Republic Polytechnic on Wednesday. Stress banget, deh! hahahaha! Buang mase uhhs. Seriously. right, so I went into one of the toilets to change or something, and I saw this.
hahaha! BEN 10 TISSUE! uhh, mind you! Ben 10 is hottttt, okay?! hahahaha! I was laughing my ass off seyh, in that cubicle. xD
TUITION TOMORROW! I wouldn't be surprised if i'm the only female there -.- hahaha.
uh, hahaha. This always cracks me up. hahaha! rusydinaaaaaa♥
so cute kan, the bear? hahaha, hugs and kisses(:
and yer. I have a messy calculator. hahaha.
love, shafeeqa♥
Labels: ben 10 is hot, haha.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Labels: me no emo (:
Saturday, July 12, 2008
hurry up lh, siao !
Labels: hurry up
Friday, July 11, 2008
steamy shit (:
Labels: hanisha's property
Thursday, July 10, 2008
$8.20 SHAFEEQA ! $8.20 ! hahahah .

Labels: chris brown, NOT
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
it makes me feel clever
Labels: clever much?
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I was kindda late, so i didn't wait at the foyer, as I thought afiqah is in the hall already .
heh, sorry ku tak tunggu, babe (:
idk that you were later than me, hee .
assembly was the pitxz . this guy was teaching us how to manage our anger, wth ?!
sat with rini, because aqilah was lateeeeee .
then, during english, wen kai solved my rubik's cube for me, ty . hahaha .
And, and during malay class I contenged some books . heh, whoots !~
then, after maths, I saw afiqah, and I showed her my cube . hahahaha, she was shocked !
hahahahaha .
just summing up, today was boring .
Linah is angry, and idk why . :\
Saw afiqah, farah, nisha, sam and murphy in drama class . heh, drama much ?!
drama mamas ! lmao,
then, I went for the debating thingy, hella boring .
Went home with Phyone and Thuya .
saturday people ! heh,
Labels: anger management ?
Monday, July 7, 2008
Labels: oh it sucked
Saturday, July 5, 2008
I went to tuition, and was the only female . wth ?
But, it was kinda fun, heh .
I went home and saw some people on the way home .
I'm bored, sitting at home . Seriously .
I talked on the phone jstnw . Heh, funny (:
Spongebob Squarepants at four ! woohoo (:
hahahaha, best !
yesterday, during CCA, I was pissed .
And, I shall not elaborate more, yes ?
Labels: four o'clock
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Labels: stressed much ?